With Sorbent Ventilation Technology (SVT) from enVerid,
Rebel Applied maximizes clean air changes and lowers energy costs
MINNEAPOLIS - Sept 15, 2021
Daikin Applied today introduced the upgraded Rebel Applied™ with enVerid Sorbent Ventilation Technology™
(SVT), the industry’s first packaged total-air-quality system that combines the benefits of sorbent media with a class-leading, configurable rooftop unit.
Rebel Applied with SVT helps solve a variety of common IAQ issues in buildings. For example, when people breathe in oxygen, they exhale CO2. And when numerous individuals occupy a classroom or workspace for several hours, CO2 levels rise steeply. This
not only has a significant impact on air quality, but can affect occupant health and performance. Off-gassing from furniture, building materials and the like also introduces volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as formaldehyde, into the air.
The integrated SVT system from Daikin addresses these concerns by removing CO2, VOCs and other contaminants using sorbent filtration that captures pollutants while allowing oxygen and water to pass through freely, resulting in cleaner air. And when applied
using ASHRAE 62.1’s IAQ Procedure (IAQP), SVT provides the clean air changes needed for healthy indoor spaces, allowing building operators to decrease the volume of outdoor air needed and total cooling load of their facilities.
The system can reduce outside ventilation by as much as 80 percent, providing greater control of humidity and comfort while trimming annual operating expenses by up to 30 percent.
“Rebel Applied has already set the standard for high-performance design and efficiency, pairing unlimited configurability with the lowest lifecycle cost,” said Jim Macosko, general manager of applied air handler management at Daikin Applied. “Adding enVerid SVT to this packaged system delivers superior air quality, and the ability to cut energy use and carbon emissions. It changes how buildings can be designed to further
both IAQ and decarbonization efforts.”
SVT is unique because it has been tested for air-cleaning effectiveness using third-party labs following ASHRAE’s 145.2 standard, assuring building operators that the sorbent filters are proven to remove harmful impurities without producing by-products.
By applying this verified media and following ASHRAE 62.1 IAQP for ventilation, building operators get better air quality and efficiency in a single rooftop system.
“Simply bringing in large amounts of outside air to dilute indoor pollutants is not sustainable,” said Christian Weeks, CEO of enVerid Systems. “Worse, it’s counterproductive when
outside air is polluted. The solution is maximizing indoor air cleaning and supplementing with the outside air needed to maintain building pressure. SVT enables this ‘clean first’ approach and, when combined with Daikin’s flagship
rooftop unit, delivers better IAQ more efficiently with smaller systems that cost less.”
SVT adds to a growing list of IAQ-focused features available with Rebel Applied. This includes UV lights to kill pathogens and prevent microbes from living in the unit, high-efficiency pre- and final filtration to capture more pollutants, and humidifier
grids that help produce ideal building environments.
To learn more about Rebel Applied and the full range of Daikin Applied solutions, and to find a local sales representative, visit www.daikinapplied.com. Also, follow Daikin Applied on LinkedIn for the latest on commercial HVAC equipment, services and trends.
About Daikin Applied Americas
Daikin Applied, a member of Daikin Industries, Ltd., designs and manufactures advanced commercial and industrial HVAC systems for customers around the world. The company’s technology and services play a vital role in creating comfortable, efficient
and sustainable spaces to work and live — and in delivering quality air to workers, tenants and building owners. Daikin Applied solutions are sold through a global network of dedicated sales, service and parts offices. For more information or
to locate a Daikin Applied representative, visit www.daikinapplied.com or call 800-432-1342.
About Daikin Industries Ltd.
Daikin Industries, Ltd. is a Forbes 1000 global company with 2019 revenues of over $24.3 billion and more than 70,000 employees worldwide, making it the largest HVAC manufacturer in the world. Daikin is engaged primarily in the development, manufacture,
sales and aftermarket support of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) equipment, refrigerants and other chemicals, as well as oil hydraulic products. Daikin was named one of the world's most innovative companies by Forbes
magazine. For more information, visit www.daikin.com.
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Media Contact:
Aaron Parker
Director of Communications
Daikin Applied